Jesus said to them, “Did you ever read in the Scriptures:
'The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief
cornerstone; by the Lord has this been done,
and it is wonderful in our eyes.’”
Women’s Cornerstone is a parish based retreat program for women. All women are welcome to experience Cornerstone and to participate in one, two, or all three capacities: as Candidates, as Team Members, and as Alumnae.
Candidates – Candidates are invited to attend a 27-hour Cornerstone Experience (from Friday evening to Saturday evening) given by the women of St. Jude Parish. The gathering provides an outstanding opportunity to meet and interact with the women of the parish. It is a welcoming and nonjudgmental environment, an opportunity to step out of the hustle of daily life to relax, pause, and reflect.
Team Members – All Candidates are invited to join the Cornerstone Team to prepare the Cornerstone weekend experience for the following year. Being on the Team is a commitment of approximately one year. Various roles and talents are needed to put on a retreat for 30 women or more.
Cornerstone Alumnae – Made up of all former Candidates and former Team Members, Alumnae provide prayers and logistic support to Team Members to help ensure a successful retreat. Alumnae are invited to attend Cornerstone reunions, to listen, to give witness talks, and to attend all Cornerstone Masses. Finally, Cornerstone Alumnae are encouraged to participate in other ministries at St. Jude.
The Way it Relates to Our Parish Mission and Vision – Cornerstone offers an opportunity of spiritual renewal for the Candidates, a path to discipleship for Team Members, and a life long journey in a community of sisterhood for Alumnae.
Roles and Activities of Ministry – Various roles are needed to provide a retreat for 30 women or more.
Time Commitment – bi-weekly meetings for 1 year with a break during the summer months, plus some special added meetings. For Candidates: 27 hours from Friday evening to Saturday evening.
"Come to him, a living stone, rejected by human beings but chosen and precious in the sight of God, and, like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." 1Peter 2:4-5
Next Retreat Experience –
Planning has begun for Women’s Cornerstone VI. It will be held Friday and Saturday, October 3 & 4, 2025. The retreat will be a 27- hour simple gathering of ordinary women sharing stories and experiences, offering an opportunity to renew and strengthen one's faith while growing in Christian community. It will provide time to step back from daily routines and think about things that matter most while meeting and interacting with other women in a welcoming, non-judgmental environment. Meals and accommodations will be included. Scholarships available.
Arrival time: 4:30pm, Friday, October 3rd
Closing Mass, Saturday October 4th, 7:00 PM at St. Jude Parish
Come for Reflections, come for change. Come! Leave rested, refreshed and renewed!
Villa Pauline Retreat and Spiritual Center – The retreat experience will be held at Villa Pauline - where God and nature meet to deepen one's relationship with God!
Retreat Ministry, an apostolate dear to the heart our foundress, Blessed Pauline, has been flourishing on our Mendham property since 1937.
For registration or questions contact:
Sherry Ottoson 201-874-3522 or email: [email protected]