There have been a number of inquiries as to how long the Liturgical Guidelines for the Flu Season should be in place in the Diocese of Paterson. Statistically, the number of hospital visits for the flu in New Jersey continues to rise during the month of February. Therefore, we are asking that these guidelines remain in place until further notice.
Bishop Serratelli has issued the following guidelines for all liturgies in the diocese until further notice:
Office of the Bishop
Diocese of Paterson
2018 Liturgical Guidelines for the Flu Season
A widespread outbreak of flu requires precautions that lessen its transmission. Nothing can absolutely prevent spread of the flu virus but a few common sense recommendations can help to lessen the possibility.
The following information may be included in bulletin announcements and pulpit announcements:
If you don’t feel well and suspect that you may have the flu: remain at home.
Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or an alcohol based hand cleanser.
Sign of Peace: If you feel uncomfortable with exchange of the sign of peace through a handshake you are under no obligation to do so. You may extend the sign of peace to your neighbors by a nod of the head.
Distributing and Receiving the Eucharist: Priests, deacons, and extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist must thoroughly wash their hands with soap and water or an alcohol based hand cleanser both before and after the distribution of the Eucharist. Receiving Holy Communion in the hand is the most practical means to distribute the Blessed Eucharist in a sanitary way.
Receiving the Eucharist by also drinking the Precious Blood from the chalice is discontinued until the level of flu cases is dramatically decreased.
Children. In parishes where Children’s Liturgy of the Word is celebrated, the pastor may suspend the practice during flu season.