Do you know an adult who has never been baptized, confirmed, or received First Eucharist? Is there a spouse or friend who has been pondering becoming a Catholic but needs a gentle nudge? Is there a possibility that you will be asked to become a godparent of a niece or nephew at Baptism or their Confirmation sponsor? Are you baptized but have had no religious education? Now is the time! The three sacraments of initiation, Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation, are required for a Catholic to be fully initiated into the Church. They are also required for someone to act as a godparent or sponsor for the Baptism or Confirmation of someone else. Our RCIA process is, above all, a tool of education and formation in the Catholic faith. Apart from preparation for the sacraments, anyone can join the classes to just brush up on Catholic teachings or to fill in the gaps on a particular topic. The Inquiry Phase of RCIA is due to begin in September. For more information, contact Deb at
[email protected] or call the rectory.